Sex talkA brother on a Christian men’s site asked what to do about his wife that doesn’t seem to like sex as much as he.
I did a little research and shared the following with him.
Hi Member, I had to smile when you asked if others have a similar problem. Yes, yes, they do!!!!!!!
It is an age-old problem and even today with all the sex education available, many men simply don't get it.
First, let me qualify this by saying there are many women with high sex drives, and in some cases this problem is reversed, the woman wants more than the man.
I just Googled and read that about 25 to 29% of women have a higher sex drive.
The question is why, and what to do about it!
Regarding the "Why"
here are some reasons for a low libido in women. ------
"What is loss of female libido?
Loss of libido (low libido or low sex drive) is a reduced desire to have sex. Your sex drive can vary during your life. Loss of libido is when your sex drive is less than what is normal for you.
Low libido is the most common sexual health problem for females.
What symptoms are related to low libido?
It’s not unusual for people to lose interest in sex at some stage during their life.
Symptoms of low sex drive or loss of libido might be:
• having no interest in any type of sex including masturbation
• rarely or never having sexual fantasies or thinking of sex
• being unhappy with your low desire for sexual activity
Changes in levels of hormones in your body can lead to changes in your sex drive. These include:
• hormonal changes due to perimenopause or menopause
• some forms of contraception
• pregnancy, giving birth or breastfeeding
Some psychological causes of low libido include:
• stress
• anxiety or depression
• bereavement
• poor body image
• fatigue or exhaustion
• history of unwanted sexual contact
• trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Often, problems with low libido are related to your relationship. For many people, emotional closeness is vital to sexual intimacy.
Some relationship issues that can be a factor in low sex drive are:
• lack of emotional connection with your partner
• unresolved fights
• being able to communicate about your sexual needs
• trust issues
• not having enough privacy
• illness of your partner
• a change in your partner’s sexual function
Some physical causes of low libido include:
• vaginal dryness
• painful sex
• difficulty reaching female orgasm
• some medicines — including medicines used to treat depression and antipsychotic medications
• underlying health problems like endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), depression, cancer, arthritis, or heart problems
• alcohol smoking or illegal drugs
How is the cause of loss of libido diagnosed?
There is no ‘normal’ amount of sex drive, everyone is different.
Some people may have no or low sex drive which is normal for them.
Some health conditions can cause a low libido. Relationship problems or personal issues are other common causes."
So, as you can see women are complex and gaining and keeping a healthy sex life is not child's play! So we begin by educating ourselves, and then we move to communication. Sex is so often very difficult to harmonize, and even in the best marriage, sex is complicated and it hits our egos in ways few other things do. Sex, especially if there has been abuse in one of the spouse’s past, success requires real patience on both sides.
If there has been past abuse, this is something you will have to learn to talk about without triggering or hurting each other. This is such a delicate issue; we must read about methods to help overcome the physical and psychological hindrances.
All marriages have their struggles with sex to some degree; with some it's overcome easily with good communication, and with others it can get so difficult neither is relaxed or enjoys it to the fullest, if at all.
If the relationship is struggling, it's so important to find those times when everything's going well and sit down, pray together, and talk heart to heart.
The first challenge in marriage is building trust, openness and being able to be vulnerable with each other.
I would get some counseling by a qualified counselor whenever there is an impasse.
Left unresolved it rarely gets better.
I'm no sex therapist, but hopefully somewhere in this you'll find something that hits the mark. God bless you brother.