Sunday, January 29, 2023


"They are not reformers who simply abhor evil.
Such men become, in the end, abhorrent themselves." Beecher.

I think this is so true! We cannot be a band of brothers united because "I love you because we both hate the same things!"
No, we must be like the name the Christian organization YWHAM uses, "Youth with a mission."
We must be joined by our endeavors to spread truth, seek justice, show mercy, and share the love of God. We join to be "Light" in the word, not protest. Our bonds are hammered out in joint missions, not political protests.
Our mantra is "Jesus saves!" Not "the world is evil."
We are to be joined together living out the Kingdom of God in an evil and adulterous generation, seeking the last, least and the lost with a corporate force the gates of hell will not prevail against.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


At first I didn't understand this picture, but then it hit me -- 

Here's a person that sees the crumbling, 

yet uses her gift, instead of mumbling.

Christ's Spirit changed pagan cultures, it will not fail to change carnal churches. Be light....


 If anything was true, this would be it.

A woman loves a man, who sees his
worth to his children.
I might go so far as to say, not much else grieves us women as much as seeing a Daddy, who has lost his heart for his children.
Or a Daddy who neglects his children.
Or a Daddy who thinks everything is more important than his children.
Or a Daddy who fails to be responsible for his children.
Or a Daddy who hurts his children on purpose.
Or a Daddy who ridicules, shames and disgraced his children.
Or the Daddy who uses his children, rather than loves them in real time.
Or a Daddy who just has no time for
the gifts of his children.

Fathers, you are not replaceable.
You are so very valuable.
What you do in your children's life today,
will reflect in the rest of their lives.

Children are often forgiving, and they
love us through our greatest faults.
All they really want is us.
If there is any one area of your life as a man, that you have got to step up and show up and do it well, it's this being a father.
This is a God given positioning.
Never treat it lightly or thoughtlessly.

To us women, there's really few things as stunning as a man who loves his children well. It just makes you look unbelievably incredible to us. We don't expect you to be perfect, or do everything right all the time, but when you deeply love your children
and they know it, it just makes us want to honor you more.

For those of you who are nobly making a difference in your precious children's lives, thank you.
You are amazing.
Let's encourage our Daddies!

Saturday, January 21, 2023


J. Vernon McGee said,

"The greatest compliment I ever received was from a country boy wearing high-buttoned yellow shoes.
After morning service he came to speak to me,
he groped for words then blurted out,
"I never knew Jesus was so wonderful!"
He started to say more but choked up and hurried out of the church as I watched him stride across the field I prayed, oh God let me always preach so that it can be said,
"I never knew Jesus was so wonderful!"

Saturday, January 07, 2023


Many of these vintage posts come from a site on Gab, called, "Worth fighting for." 

His comment on this one is --

What do your kids love to do?

Do that with them today.


Nothing is more vital for a young man's development than being surrounded by strong male role models.


Old fashion Pre-School 


Thursday, January 05, 2023


The following amazing story by Amy Carlisle shows the power, the reach and the opportunity we have to minister through social media. These are the best of times, and the worst... Here's her story --- 

"I was newly exploring a support group site on FB. A non-Christian support group, A friend recommended it to me.

It was a place that I could encourage, witness, give and share.

So basically, anything goes there, Meaning you can say or ask anything.

From just venting, too honestly seeking answers. From grief, to contemplating an abortion.

Negative is not welcome there, Not even the angry emojis are allowed!

I was rather shocked at first by some of the subjects, some of the posts I avoided, just being honest.

They are always busy, always have posts coming in.

It’s a large private group, that takes it seriously.

You have to send them a selfie with you holding a paper with the date written on it. They want to be sure you are real.

That's actually great because many sensitive issues are talked about.

You can also ask anonymously.

I can share my faith in the comments, with support or advice.

It was different that's for sure.

There wasn't much talk of God or about God.

Sometimes they'd ask for prayers or good vibes.

So, one evening scrolling through,

I rarely go directly, looking. I usually let Him lead me.

Yes, He'll do that on social media too!

I spotted a post, it said she was grieving, she was missing her best friend who had been brutally murdered.

“Would someone pray with her?”

Now there was already several comments, I didn't think my comment would matter much. But I needed to comment, for some reason.

I just said,

I'm so sorry, I will gladly pray with you.

Right away she asked, will you message me? Sure!

Permission to message is required, it's in the rules.

So I did.

She was so sad and distraught. Who wouldn't be?

Just one detail she shared with me was enough that I cringed and I didn't want to know any more graphic details.

I prayed for her and tried to console this broken, grief stricken, beautiful soul.

I offered reassurance that this man would answer for what he'd done. That God would help her heal and overcome and not forget her best friend.

I even sung her a verse of Farther Along.

Oh the things we'll do for a hurting heart.

I also got her in touch with a minister after asking her if she'd want that.

Well, I can say confidently now that was a divine appointment.

That's been a couple of years ago and believe it or not we're still friends. We usually stay in contact daily.

She's been on my heart recently.

The murder trial is coming up again, It's been put off for so long.

She just wants justice for her friend and closure to help her move on with her life.

Would you remember her and this situation when you

say your prayers?

I'd appreciate it and

I know she would too.

Love, Amy" 

I have Amy's  permission to share this, as well as the permission of the woman spoken about.