Wednesday, October 09, 2024

 I love this quote!

Jesus was the first to explain that God is "Our Father."

All other religions failed to understand this important truth.
All the world's religions have many good and important values, but all failed to see God is our Father and His love is parental, without that understanding we are left without the hope of true intimacy with God.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

  My oldest son has pastored a church in the "working poor" part of town for years and often posts about it online. Whatever we post we all know that we will always have our critics, and this is the response my son gave to someone online minimizing him.  

"What is Christian ministry like in our church? 

Healthy church ministry is seeing people come to Christ, 

baptizing them, 

walking with addicts in living free, 

helping the poor and marginalized into homes, 

fixing cars, advocating for employment, 

caring for the elderly, sick and depressed. 

Walking with people through life debilitating disease, 

standing alongside abuse victims as they go through deep and difficult healing.

Befriending those in the LGBTIQ community, men, women and trans who are in the shelters and celebrating their sobriety and employment victories as well as their first turnings towards Jesus.

Standing with married couples in their fight to come back from the edge of divorce. 

Standing firm against sin and also administering grace and mercy.

We’re in the hood, 

at the margins, 

hating soiled garments but reaching in the fire. 

Mourning the dead from overdoses, encouraging workers from despair and rallying good folks to use their time, treasure and talent for the kingdom.

Sooooo, I don’t know what your reality is but this is no online talk or pontificating keyboard trolling, it’s conversations born of blood and bone brother."