Saturday, September 21, 2024


 My heart bleeds for the survivors of menacing, vicious, brutal and horror causing deeds, done in too many cases, by those who should love you most.

Childhood trauma, which hardly describes what too many have suffered, causes so many ongoing problems in adulthood, in so many ways words fail to describe.

That being said, there is help, there are counselors and therapists that can guide one out of the life damning, soul killing abuses; 

so as adults, it is incumbent on us to seek help, seek faith, and find ways to heal: 

it has been done by countless souls who have survived the most heinous abuses.

None of it's easy, it's never a quick fix, but healing is available 

and if we don't seek after it like silver and gold, 

we will hurt all who ever get close to us.

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