"Is it possible to be both faithful to the Christian faith and charitable to other faiths?
I've struggled with this: I feel two opposing realities churning within me. On the one hand, I feel the pull of Jesus' words "Blessed are the peacemakers," or Paul's words about the gospel being a message of reconciliation, or Jame's assertion that God's wisdom is first pure and then peaceable. But on the other hand, I keep noticing how my religion has, over its first 2,000 years of existence, spent too little energy making peace and too much erecting and perfecting walls of separation, suspicion, and hostility. In the Bible I read about love, love, love, but in various Christian subcultures in which I've participated, I keep encountering fear, superiority, and hostility. In a wild array of forms, the message comes to me from the centers of religious power: I can't belong to our 'us' unless I am against 'them.'"
Brian McLaren.
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