My experience in the Christian walk has been a series of steps forward, then steps back; a success followed by a failure and it seems God has ordained this in the life of the Christian to keep them humble but in spite of our many failings we still find pride and self-righteousness nipping at our heels with each success.
The following piece by John Newton is of special comfort to the guys at the center who have lived much of their lives in addiction and coming out is an exhausting series of baby steps forward and long jumps back. But God is forever patient and faithful when we are not.
“I have been troubled of late with the rheumatism in my left arm. Mine is a sinful, vile body, and it is a mercy that any part of it is free from pain. It is virtually the seat and subject of all diseases; but the Lord holds them like wild beasts in a chain, under a strong restraint; were that restraint taken off, they would rush upon their prey from every quarter, and seize upon every limb, member, joint, and nerve, at once. Yet, though I am a sinner and though my whole texture is so frail and exposed, I have enjoyed for a number of years an almost perfect exemption both from pain and sickness. This is wonderful indeed, even in my own eyes.
But my soul is far from being in a healthy state. There I have labored, and still labor, under a complication of diseases; and, but for the care and skill of an infallible Physician, I must have died the death long ago. At this very moment my soul is feverish, dropsical, paralytic. I feel a loss of appetite, disinclination both to food and medicine: so that I am alive by miracle; yet I trust I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. When I faint, He revives me again. I am sure He is able, and I trust He has promised, to heal me; but how inveterate must my disease be, that is not yet subdued, even under His management!
Well, my friend, there is a land where the inhabitants shall no more say, “I am sick.” Then my eyes will not be dim, nor my ear heavy, nor my heart hard.
One sight of Jesus as He is
Will strike all sin forever dead.
Blessed be His name for this glorious hope! May it cheer us under all our present uneasy feelings, and reconcile us to every cross! The way must be right, however rough, that leads to such a glorious end.
Oh for more of that gracious influence, which in a moment can make the wilderness-soul rejoice and blossom like the rose! I want something which neither critics nor commentators can help me to. The Scripture itself, whether I read it in Hebrew, Greek, French, or English, is a sealed book in all languages unless the Spirit of the Lord is present to expound and apply. Pray for me. No prayer seems more suitable to me than that of the Psalmist: “Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Thy name.” John Newton
Fred, I LOVE this post! I don't believe I've ever read or heard anything from John Newton that hasn't resonated with my heart and spirit. He was gifted with a balance of vision that allowed him to walk in faith, love, service, and humility. What an inspiring man of God! Thank you for sharing this precious nugget! :)
Hi Fred,
Excellent excerpt which penetrates deep into the the heart and gives the much needed courage the resist the temptations of this earth in our brief journey. We have too many temptations to resist, too many distractions to avoid,too many snares to overcome.What is available to us at present has great attraction for us but this is not everlasting or eternal.Our eternal life is with Jesus in heavenly bliss for which we have to work hard. Fantastic quote,Fred.
Your words,GOD IS FOREVER PATIENT AND FAITHFUL,rings loud and clear in my mind. Yes,these words tell me that I am not of this world but a celestial being who is being looked after and taken care of my heavenly Father.
Best wishes Fred,
Hi Mel,
I'm so glad you love his writings, needless to say, I do as well and his transparency is...... well, just what we all need at times, don't you think?
He never forgot from where God brought him.
God bless,
Hi Joseph,
You paint such an accurate picture of the state or our world, so many snares! And your conclusion is our hope.
God bless,
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