Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Remember that your experience of the cross is itself the gate into the temple of sympathy. I do not say it is your only gate into Heaven, Heaven has many temples - many mansions. You shall know by your training here what shall be your temple yonder. Perhaps yours is here an inquiring mind, there are yonder those who 'inquire in His temple." Perhaps yours is here the gift of eloquence; there are yonder those who "In His temple speak of His glory." Perhaps you have here the spirit of an artist; there are yonder those whose temple is a place in which "to behold the beauty of the Lord." But it may be that here your lot is simply to lie low -- to be prostrated on a bed of pain. That battered gate is the most beautiful of all. It is your training for the night service. It is your school for learning the art of mercy. The barrier that chains you is a rudimentary wing; one day you shall fly with it. One day it will bear you on errands of love. One day it will carry you to the spirits in prison that you may lead them to fountains of living waters. One day you shall open more doors than the angels, because you have been where they have not -- in the valley of tribulation. In the hour you call death, Christ shall take you by the hand, and on the wings of your earthly infirmity you shall arise and minister." George Matheson 

"Jesus took her by the hand and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them. Mk. 1:31

Sunday, October 28, 2018

  "There are those who pass through life with no greater care than to keep in a good humor with themselves; who dislike the spectacle of anything that greatly moves or visibly reproaches them; who therefore shun those that know more, see deeper or aim higher than themselves; they are ever on the search, not for correction of their errors, but for confirmation of their prejudices; not to hear rebukes to their littleness, but always looking for praises of their greatness; and who hurry away from the uneasiness of self-confession, if it were ever to begin to flow, and instead hide from it behind their mists of self-justification." Martineau.

Friday, October 26, 2018

  When a person has been abused they are naturally skeptical and find it hard to trust anyone, so often in a romantic relationship, they are continually 'testing' the others love, and this is done in many ways, some very subtle and others more aggressively. Now if you have been betrayed in some way by your lover, that only escalates the insecurity and then it is hard to believe almost anything they say and you can seek affirmation by continually pushing them away to see if they care enough to fight to get your affections back, and that, of course, can be exhausting for them and you, and of course, you will never be convinced or satisfied.
Now, complicate that with the fact that as teens, we are still very immature in many ways and it is never God's plan to have teens involved in intense adult relationships, we just are not prepared emotionally yet, so we may do adult things (sexual activity) but still act like children.

  Our feelings of love and protection are a gift from God, a common grace given to all but the most hardened. Never forget, God is love. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

  "Being a hyper-biblicist isn’t the goal of following Jesus, but being a Scripture grounded, Christ-like lover of God and man is. The Jewish Scribes could quote the Scriptures to Jesus but could not see the Father manifested before them as the Word made flesh. They knew Torah verses but not the weightier Godly virtues. Jesus put it this way in Matt. 23:23: “You have neglected the more important matters of the law--justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.” Pastor Eric. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

We have to ask ourselves, "Have I been deceived?" Have I hearkened to a different Gospel? Have I made the word of God of none effect by our current traditions? If my interpretation of the book of Revelation is wrong, if the world will go on for another millennium, how much time have I wasted eagerly seeking to interpret the times and seasons? How many funds has Christendom diverted from the Gospel and caring for the poor and destitute to promote seminars, buy books and pay for radio and television air time, to speculate and prophecy about things to come; things which are clearly revealed to no one? Endless hours of pulpit time forecasting an unknown future, precious discipleship hours wasted on prophecy? Irreplaceable hours of personal and corporate Bible study seeking things from above, which have or never will be revealed. Millions, nay, billions spent promoting novel speculations while poor Lazarus lies in need at our gates. Must God's haunting voice be repeated a third time? "I will write on the tablets the words that were in the first tables which thou breakest."
The clear direction for His church spelled out by His own finger, reiterated by Christ's words and actions. Oh Christian, evil has entered the camp, the wolf snuck into the sheepfold! Blind guides leading the blind away from the simplicity of Christ and His service. Has what I've considered to be an angel of light been the minister of death?  Have we traded the methods of love and compassion for prophets of doom and terror? Will Christ's church be built on the solid rock or will our infatuation with predictions and blind analyses of apocalyptic calamity be exchanged for banqueting with the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind? Have we left the sure gospel plow vacant in the field? Fields that are ripe for harvest, but the reapers are found staring into heaven, feverishly obsessed with the future, to leave the present mission abandoned. Now is the day of Salvation, this is the hour to serve, to love and to care for the lost and hurting of our world, let the future come finding us busy at the Master's work. Are we standing on our roofs, gazing into the clouds having predicted the trumpet's blast; leaving our upper rooms vacant and flameless? Consoling ourselves as we retreat from the age, bowstrings slack, retired and withdrawn.   
Leave the blood moons, dispensations, the deciphering of dragons, seals, beasts and symbolic horses behind, and tend to the living at our feet who we have abandoned by our obsessions.  


Saturday, October 20, 2018

  "Lord, lead me to green pastures for Thy name's sake! They name is Love; led me to green pastures for the sake of love. I do not seek the verdant spot that I may rest there, but that through my rest another may be helped in toil. I ask the gifts of fortune, not that I may keep them, but that I may share them. If my pastures be green let me feed Thy flock; if my waters be quiet let me launch ships for Thee!"   George Matheson.

  "Christian love is the only kind of love in which there is no rivalry, no jealousy. There is jealousy among lovers of art, among lovers of song and lovers of beauty. The glory of natural loves is its monopoly, its power to say, "It is mine." But the glory of Christian love is its refusal of monopoly. The spiritual artist - the person who paints Christ in his soul, wants no solitary niche in the temple of fame. He would not like to hear anyone say, "He is the first of his profession; there is not one that can hold a candle to him." He would be very sad to be distinguished in his profession of Christ, marked out as a solitary figure. The gladdest moment to him will always be the moment when the cry is heard, "Thy brother is coming up the ladder also; they brother will share the inheritance with thee." George Matheson.