Thursday, March 28, 2019

"To touch the cup with eager lips and taste, not drain it; 
To woo and tempt and court a bliss--and not attain it;
To fondle and caress a joy, yet hold it lightly;
Lest it become necessity and cling too tightly;
To watch the sun set in the west without regretting; 
To hail its advent in the east -- the night forgetting;
To smother care in happiness and grief in laughter;
To hold the present close -- not questioning hereafter;
To have enough to share -- to know the joy of giving;
To thrill with all the sweets of life -- is living." 

  "If you ever find happiness by hunting for it, you will find it as the old woman did her lost spectacles, safe on her own nose all the time." 
Josh Billings.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

 "The work of my salvation is not a solitary process. I cannot build up the virtues of my heart if I am thinking only of God. Would I be humble; mine must be a humility before man. Anyone could be humble before God. It does not need a redeemed soul to shrink into nothingness beneath the stars of night. But to sink my interests before a brother, to refrain from self-display in the presence of an inferior-- that is humility! Would I be meek; it must be before man. I dare not answer God; all flesh is silent in His presence. But to be gentle with an equal, to be soft with a dependent, to be lenient with a fallen soul-- that is meekness! Would I be charitable; it must be before man. God needs not my silver nor my gold; they would add no drop to His ocean. But, to clothe a brother's rags, to soothe a sister’s pain, to give the children bread, to help the orphan's cry, to bind the broken heart and comfort the wounded conscience -- that is to aid God, that is charity!" George Matheson.  

Monday, March 25, 2019

  "Sarah only knew that life within her could, and sometimes did, blossom into moments of unimaginable, incredible loveliness, glimpses of the Eternal in time: rare moments which came and went, which could not be sought or asked for, but by which one steered one's course, wholly alive while they lasted." Marry Ellen Chase.

  I find when I'm in the forest I have moments like these. Shall we not carry these moments into our way of living in some small way? Why can we not take a part of our yard and create a little corner of it and plant a sliver of forest? If we have no yard, we can buy a houseplant and put it by the window. If we have no window we can buy an artificial plant, and if we have no money we can ask a neighbor for a daisy.  

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Shall we sit idly down and say
The night hath come; it is no longer day? 
The night hath not yet come, we are not quite
Cut off from labor by the failing light; 
Something remains for us to do or dare; 
Even the oldest tree some fruit may bear.

Santa Filomena

When'er a noble deed is wrought,
When'er is spoken a noble thought, 
Our hearts in glad surprise
To higher levels rise. 

The tidal wave of deeper souls
Into our inmost being rolls, 
And lifts us unawares
Out of all meaner cares. 

Honor to those whose words or deeds
Thus help us in our daily needs, 
And by their overflow
Raise us from what is low! 
 " He that hath love in his breast hath spurs in his side." 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

  I love photography, and now and then I run across photos, or paintings, that are so unusual; this would be one of those. What a striking photo: humans are so interesting!

Thursday, March 07, 2019

 The following piece I plan to share with the inmates next week. 

  Let me be clear why we come here to the jail each week; every time come we learn. You may think we come to teach as if we think we have some display of wisdom, importance or power. But the truth is we simply mouth the words that Jesus spoke and then listen to the stories you share of unrelenting courage and bravery beyond measure as you recount stories of heroism of Biblical proportion.
Giant Goliath's are faced over and over again. Unequal matches, where you have been pummeled and crushed to the ground repeatedly, only to rise up and fight again.
We cry and whine over a splinter while razor sharp, barbed shafts pierce your very hearts! But somehow, by God's grace, your heart continues to beat a slow, quiet rhythm of hope: desperately faint in some; irregular in others: flat-lined and resuscitated in others. And just when all seems motionless, our eyes filled with tears and anguish, someone’s soul gets set on fire! 
Color flushes back in once pallid cheeks, corpses rise, ground is reclaimed, restoration happens against all odds! Strength returns and we stand in absolute awe as Christ resurrects another soul from the dead; He restores sight to the blind and makes the diseased leper fully whole!
 Oh we come here to see miracles, where smoldering faith bursts into flame! Bruised and nearly broken reeds are healed! Oh friend, we come to be inspired by you!

What fool would stay home and watch a pointless sporting match when we sit ring-side and witness the full scale battle of life!