Sunday, November 18, 2012

  "Almost all who aim at serving God do so more or less for their own sake. They want to win, not to lose; to be comforted, not to suffer; to possess, not to be despoiled; to increase, not to diminish. 
Yet all the while our whole interior progress consists in losing, sacrificing, decreasing, humbling, and stripping self even of God's own gifts, so as to be more wholly His. We are often like an invalid who feels his pulse fifty times a day, and wants the doctor to be perpetually ordering some fresh treatment, or telling him how much better he is. This is very much all the use that some people make of their spiritual director or pastor. They move round and round in a petty circle of easy virtues, never stepping beyond it heartily and generously; while the director (like the physician) is expected to soothe, comfort, encourage, foster delicacy and fastidiousness, only ordering little sedative treatments, which drop into mere habit and routine." Fenelon

Ouch! "easy virtues", and "only ordering little sedative treatments, which drop into mere habit and routine." These "treatments" will never do to usher God's kingdom into the world. Our world requires more from me.

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