should like to like Schumann’s music better than I do; I dare say I could make
myself like it better if I tried, but I do not like having to try to make
myself like things; I like things that make me like them at once with no trying
at all.” Samuel Butler. Here in lies the largest part of men’s dissatisfaction
with life; we don’t like having to try
and make ourselves like things. Be it asparagus or algebra, prayer or Pilates,
we don’t want to cultivate ourselves but would rather dine on spiced sauces and
comes from an essay titled, “On Knowing What Gives Us Pleasure.” He considers
the importance of putting a sufficient value upon pleasure, and there is no
greater sign of a fool than the thinking that he can tell at once and easily
what it is that pleases him. To know this is not easy. Please understand me to
mean pleasure that is life giving, love expanding, holy and just, found in God
and in the vast abundance of good things He has provided in creation.
Much of what we consider to be pleasure we learn from our
ancestors and we adopt these without question. The reason this interests me is
I see in the men and women I minister too, as well as myself, a contentment
with less: less spiritual life, education, fullness, less of life in general,
much less.
We adopt
routines, accept things as they are and make little effort to change, and when
we do seek change, we may pursue it as a blind man launching out in any
direction hoping to stumble upon and find pleasure without sacrifice. I agreed
with his advice about seeking methods to obtain pleasure --
those, however, who are desirous of knowing what gives them pleasure but do not
quite know how to set about it I have no better advice to give than that they
must take the same pains about acquiring this difficult art as about any other, and must acquire it in the same
way--that is by attending to one thing at a time and not being in too great a
hurry. Proficiency is not to be attained here, any more than elsewhere, by
short cuts or by getting other people to do work that no other than oneself can
I think the Bible teaches us
that life is strategic and deliberate, if we will find gold we will have to
roll up our sleeves and dig because few are the nuggets found on the surface. In
2 Tim. 1:6 Paul stirs us by saying, “For
this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you…..”
My library has many books, which inspire and encourage people to press in and
take life in earnest. I’ve read much and even seen in a few movies that offer encouragement to expand our horizons, on whatever level. The Dead Poets Society
comes to mind. Being a child of the sixties, it left its mark on me as well, to
question, to think and look beyond the borders was the mantra of the time.
I thank God for all the
influences that have come into my life and inspired me to reach out for deeper
meaning, deeper relationships and brought greater and lasting pleasures as well
as interests that are meaningful and help keep life new and fresh.
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