Monday, August 04, 2014

  "Have you grown weary of looking for any signs of promise in this dull mass of fellow-men and withdrawn yourself into some luxury of self-culture, feeling as if what you had and were, was too good to be wasted upon such creatures as these sick and poor and ignorant? You must be rescued from this proud conceit, not simply by counting yourself lower, but by valuing more highly the spiritual natures of these fellow-men. You must value them as He valued them, who gave his life for them, before you can be as humble in their presence as He was; and that can come only by making yourself their servant. Only he who puts on the garment of humility finds how worthily it clothes his life. Only he who dedicates himself to the spiritual service of his brethren, simply because his Master tells him that they are worth it, comes to know how rich those natures of his brethren are, how richly they are worth the total giving of himself to them."  Phillips Brooks, photo from the Internet. 


Douglas Abbott said...

"You must value them as He valued them, who gave his life for them." Amen. So difficult to do. It can only be done by the power of the Holy Spirit. Only God can truly love the unloveable. Thank you for sharing this, Fred!

FCB said...

I think you picked out the heart of the quote. Glad you liked it Doug, God bless.

FCB said...
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