Friday, November 17, 2017

  "But besides all these characteristics of art discussed, and all of its expressions, there are 'artistic temperaments' which do not express themselves in any of the recognized mediums of art, but which apply their powers direct to life itself. I do not mean successful, professional people, who win their triumphs by a happy sanity and directness of view, to who labor is congenial and success enjoyable, but I mean those who have a fine perception of quality in innumerable forms; who are interested in the salient points of others, who delight to enter into appropriate relations with those they meet, to whom life itself, its joys and sorrows, its gifts and its losses, has a certain romantic, beautiful mysterious savor. Such people have a strong sense of the significance of their relations with others; they enjoy dealing with characters, with problems, with situations. Having both interest and sympathy, they get the best out of other people; they pierce through the conventional fence that so many of us erect as a protection against intrusion."  Arthur C. Benson. 

I am moved to tears each time I see this picture and read the quote. 

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