This famous painting is called "Seven Acts of Mercy" by Caravaggio - Here's the interpretation -
Bury the dead - In the background, two men carry a dead man (of whom only the feet are visible)
Visit the imprisoned, and feed the hungry -
On the right, a woman visits an imprisoned man and gives him milk from her breast. That image alludes to the classic story of "Roman Charity."
Shelter the homeless - A pilgrim (third from left, identified by the shell in his hat) asks an innkeeper (at far left) for shelter.
Clothe the naked - St. Martin, fourth from the left, has torn his robe in half and given it to the naked beggar in the foreground, recalling the saint's popular legend.
Visit the sick - St. Martin greets and comforts the beggar who is cripple.
Refresh the thirsty - Samson drinks water from the jawbone of an ass. (top left)
The angel at the center of Caravaggio's piece transmits the grace that inspires humanity to be merciful.
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