Saturday, October 10, 2020

    "Our chief source of truth for us in regard to God is Revelation; and this, accordingly, should claim our most serious and devoted study. But when I thus speak of Revelation, I mean the Christian Religion. In the Jewish Scriptures, though many sublime passages are found in relation to the Supreme Divinity, yet in many others the image given of God is adapted to a rude state of society only and to a very immature stage of the human mind. And not a few Christians have depressed their idea of the Infinite Being, by conceiving of Him as He was represented in half-barbarous ages, instead of learning to know Him from Jesus, who came to scatter the shades of Judaism as well as of heathenism, and who alone reveals the Father -- or the Paternal Character of the Creator -- in full glory." William Ellery Channing.   

No doubt many will find great controversy in this statement, but I find myself more and more in agreement. 

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