Sunday, June 20, 2021

"Oh, that Christ's love should extend to the ungodly, to sinners, to enemies that were in arms of rebellion against him! Yea, not only so, but that He should hug them in His arms, lodge them in His bosom, dandle them upon His knees, and lay them to His breasts, that they may suck and be satisfied, is the highest improvement of love, Is. 64:11-13.

Christ's love is like His name, and that is Wonderful, yea, it is so wonderful that it is above all creatures, beyond all measure, contrary to all nature. It is beyond all measure, for time did not begin it, and time shall never end it; place does not bind it, sin does not exceed it, no estate, not age, no sex is denied it, tongues cannot express it, understandings cannot conceive it; and it is contrary to all nature; for what nature can love where it is hated? What nature can forgive where it is provoked? What nature can offer reconcilement where it receives wrong? What nature can heap up kindness upon contempt, favor on ingratitude, mercy upon sin? And yet Christ's love has led Him to all this; so that well may we spend our days in admiring and adoring this wonderful love, and be always ravished with the thoughts of it." Thomas Brooks.  

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