Wednesday, August 04, 2021

When we show ourselves faithful to the basics, God will illuminate and broaden our understandings. I'll never forget when I worked at Adult and Teen Challenge, and as I was walking up front I heard a girl as she examined some books on sale, she sounded about fourteen, talking with a voice we recognize as mentally deficient. Now I had never felt any particular compassion or concern for the mentally challenged, it wasn't that I didn't care, but I had no burden, no interest in working with them in any way. But as I was walking towards her, a sudden gush of love just poured over me. I was shocked and didn't know what to do with these gushing feelings of affection and love I felt for this strange little girl! I approached her because I knew the Lord was doing something powerful, but for the life of me I had no idea what! I clumsily tried to engage her in conversation and look for an opportunity to somehow express these whelming emotions; I wanted to just embrace her and give her a huge hug! But of course, that would never be understood and it would probably cause chaos! So after I made small talk for a minute or two, I just left her puzzled at what was happening. As I walked back to my office I felt the Lord saying, "Fred, I know you have no particular care or love for the mentally challenged,.................. but I just wanted you to know how I feel about them."

It was a moment in life I'll never forget.

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