"A great secret of Rev. Tuckerman's success reaching the poor and downtrodden lay in his strong interest in individuals. It was not in his nature to act on the masses by general methods; he threw his soul into particular cases. Every sufferer whom he visited seemed to awaken in him a special affection and concern.
I remember well the language which he once used in regard to a man who had gone far astray. He said to me with deep emotion, "I want that man's soul; I must save him."
"He made the worst feel that they had a friend, and by his personal interest linked them anew with their race. He sought for something to love in all. He seized on anything good which might remain in the fallen spirit; if he could be touch on chord of love, one tender recollection of home, one feeling of shame or sorrow for the past, no matter how faintly, he rejoiced and took courage like the good physician who, in watching over the drowned man, detects a flutter of the pulse, or the feeblest sign of life. "
He did not break the bruised reed, or quench the smoking wick."
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