Thursday, December 09, 2021

  I'm reading Gary Thomas's book "When to walk away" finding freedom from toxic people. The first chapter covered some important points. Here is a condensed list. 

1. Jesus walked away from others (or let others walk away from him) more than two dozen times in the four gospels. 

2. At times Jesus remained verbally silent when others tried to goad him into a conversation or a foolish controversy. 

3. When people asked Jesus to leave, He usually complied. 

4. Not only does Jesus let others walk away; at the great judgment He will send people away. You won't be able to reach or influence everyone you meet. 

5. Sometimes Jesus walked away for personal refreshment, prayer, or the need to reach others. 

6. Though Jesus came to die the death of a martyr, He repeatedly walked away from persecution, attacks, and violence throughout His adult ministry. In the same way, it can be prudent for us to walk away from verbal, emotional or physical abuse. 

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