Wednesday, August 31, 2022


  The way this meme struck me was - here you have two young women, apparently friends, both doing their best to follow their faith. The girl on the left reads the Bible and the girl on the right reads the Quran, and both are told that those of another faith are going to hell. 

 What a pity.......

My interpretation of the Bible is more generous. 

 God isn’t just the God of

Prayer meetings
Well-paying jobs
Mission trips
Intact families
Worship songs
Sunday school

All those visible spaces.

The ones we show to the world.
The ones that look like we have our act together.
The ones where we will be praised.

He’s bigger than that. Much much bigger.

His heart is bigger.
His presence is bigger.
His well-worn, tenderness is bigger.


He’s also and especially the God of

Oncology visits
Broken hearts
Empty checking accounts
Funeral parlors
Rehab rooms
Sleepless and fitful nights
Bathroom floors
Messy selves and messy lives

The places where it’s just us and Him.

The ones only He can really see.

The places of


That are also the places of


The places that nothing and no one else can touch.

Except for this big big, “very present help in time of trouble,” tender-hearted God.

Those are the most sacred places of all.

And some of the most beautiful. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


Jesus said, "I am the Truth." 

In a world like ours today, we can be baffled, confused and mislead; truth is no easier to find today than when Pontius Pilot asked Jesus, "What is truth?" 

But as Christians we have a sure foundation in Christ, He was clear in His words and actions, and He told the religious leaders of His day when asked what is most important - 

‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 

This is the foundation of all Biblical truth, without this all else is but a husk, hollow and without substance. 

Some go so far as to say, that how we treat our neighbor is the entire substance of loving God. But I will simply say, we cannot claim to have truth without both of these commands, there is no other commandment greater than these.   


Wednesday, August 17, 2022


  It was said of Bishop Fenelon - "Few men have influenced more powerfully the person with whom they have come in contact than Bishop Fenelon. The secret of his sway over hearts was his uniform courtesy, a politeness springing from a profound love for his fellow-beings, of whatever rank or class. Lord Peterborough, the distinguished English general, said of him, that he was "A delicious man," that "he had to run away from him to prevent his making him a Christian."

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


 "Luther confessed he was often tempted to ask for signs, apparitions, and revelations from heaven to confirm him in his way, yet he tells us how strongly he did withstand them, "I have faith" he said, "I have agreed with the Lord my God, that he would never send me dreams, visions, angels, for I am well contented with this gift, that I have the holy Scripture, which does abundantly teach and supply all necessary for this life, and the life to come." Thomas Brooks. 


  "A man may lack the feeling of his faith, and cry and call again and again for it, and feel nothing all the while, and yet nevertheless have true and sound faith; for the feeling of and mourning for the lack of faith, and the earnest and constant desire of it, is an infallible sign of faith. 

  A spark of fire is only little, yet it is fire as well as the whole element of fire; and a drop of water is but little, yet it is water as well as the whole ocean. If there is only one grape on a vine, it shows that it is a vine, and that the vine is not dead; so put the case that there is only but the appearance of a little grace in a Christian, perhaps the Spirit of God appears but in one grace in him at that time, yet that one grace shows that we are vines, and not thistles, thorns or base plants, and it shows that there is life in the root." 

Thomas Brooks.

Monday, August 08, 2022

Four kinds of Christians

It's so important to remember there are four kinds of Christians; there are "babes," "children," "young men," and "old men." 

Remember, as there is a 'strong faith' there is also a 'weak faith'. ---- 

Matt. 15:28 "Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith!"

 Matt. 8:26 "But Jesus said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” 

So when we explain the evidences of faith in a true Christian we must always remember there are evidences that are proper to a strong faith, but also there are evidences that are proper to a weak faith.

   Now a "babe" will not find within the same evidences of grace that are found in more mature Christians, and if you expect from them the same grace "you will certainly grieve and sadden those precious lambs of Christ that He would not have grieved and saddened.

Now if someone cannot find the evidences of a strong faith within, he must not conclude that he has no faith, for he may have in him the evidences of a weak faith even though he has not the evidences of a strong faith in him. 

In Christ's school, in His house, His church, there are several sorts and ranks of Christians, there are babes, children, young men, and old men; and accordingly ministers in their preaching and sharing should sort their evidences so that babes and children may not be found bleeding, grieving and weeping, where they should be found joying and rejoicing." Thomas Brooks. 

Sunday, August 07, 2022


C.S. Lewis made this comment --    

“Finally, though I have had to speak at some length about sex, I want to make it as clear as I possibly can that the center of Christian morality is not here.

If anyone thinks that Christians regard unchastity as the supreme vice, he is quite wrong.

The sins of the flesh are bad, but they are the least bad of all sins.

All the worst pleasures are purely spiritual: the pleasure of putting other people in the wrong, of bossing and patronizing and spoiling sport, and back-biting, the pleasures of power, of hatred.

For there are two things inside me, competing with the human self which I must try to become. They are the Animal self, and the Diabolical self. The Diabolical self is the worse of the two. That is why a cold, self-righteous prig who goes regularly to church may be far nearer to hell than a prostitute.”

C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity (Book 3, Part 5)

Thursday, August 04, 2022

 "Have you grown weary of looking for any signs of promise in this dull mass of fellow-men and withdrawn yourself into some luxury of self-culture, feeling as if what you had and were was too good to be wasted upon such creatures as these sick and poor and ignorant?

You must be rescued from this proud conceit, not simply by counting yourself lower, but by valuing more highly the spiritual natures of these fellow-men.

You must value them as Christ valued them, who gave his life for them, before you can be as humble in their presence as He was; and that can come only by making yourself their servant.

Only he who puts on the garment of humility finds how worthily it clothes his life. Only he who dedicates himself to the spiritual service of his brethren, simply because his Master tells him that they are worth it, comes to know how rich those natures of his brethren are, how richly they are worth the total giving of himself to them. Phillips Brooks.

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

 I watched a video of six women who I think are called, "Furries"? They dress in capes and have faces painted like animals with ears on their heads. It is some cultic group that made a video. Harmless for the most part, misguided, yes, certainly. Pagan to the core.

What disturbed me was not them parading their cultic like actions, but rather the responses from the Christians, the same people who are charged to win the lost by the love of Christ. 

Paganism during the times of Christ was truly disturbing, wickedly evil and dangerous, but no match for the message of Christ! Sadly, many have lost the vision as demonstrated by these comments --- 

They all need meds and padded cells and a nice straight jacket. 

What a bunch of freaks, what the f---- is that?


They want us to take these forest dykes seriously? Extreme mental illness is all I see. 

Am I the only one who thinks that video is the result of a bunch of pretentious morons with no talent nor self awareness larping as "artists"? 

What the heck did I just watch?

This needs a warning label for high stupidity content.

Starting to understand the whole annoying witches angle. 

WTF, ho wait, Who Cares, dead soon, all of them, moving on to the stolen election ??? 

Monday, August 01, 2022


Not to be cynical, but I feel the same way about most Christian music, and sadly, preaching.