Wednesday, August 03, 2022

 I watched a video of six women who I think are called, "Furries"? They dress in capes and have faces painted like animals with ears on their heads. It is some cultic group that made a video. Harmless for the most part, misguided, yes, certainly. Pagan to the core.

What disturbed me was not them parading their cultic like actions, but rather the responses from the Christians, the same people who are charged to win the lost by the love of Christ. 

Paganism during the times of Christ was truly disturbing, wickedly evil and dangerous, but no match for the message of Christ! Sadly, many have lost the vision as demonstrated by these comments --- 

They all need meds and padded cells and a nice straight jacket. 

What a bunch of freaks, what the f---- is that?


They want us to take these forest dykes seriously? Extreme mental illness is all I see. 

Am I the only one who thinks that video is the result of a bunch of pretentious morons with no talent nor self awareness larping as "artists"? 

What the heck did I just watch?

This needs a warning label for high stupidity content.

Starting to understand the whole annoying witches angle. 

WTF, ho wait, Who Cares, dead soon, all of them, moving on to the stolen election ??? 

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