Monday, October 31, 2022

  My oldest son had a dream and like all dreams, it was made up of random and bizarre images and messages. This dream left him with a distinct feeling that today's child is exposed to so many voices and messages from such a vast number of directions that it would bewilder anyone. So he wrote down the impressions from his dream and titled it, Who is Gurnell West, a fictional person. 

Who is Gurnell West? 

“An echo from the past, a portent of the present and thunder from the future”

“Part provocateur, prophet, Bronx boxer, tent revivalist, radio shock jockey, dancing snake handling backwoods preacher, 100 proof truth moonshine bootlegger, temptation of the married and fantasy of the unwed, schoolyard bully to Tories, Soyboys and Progressive Home-wreckers.

So basically…he’s trouble with a capital T.

Don’t listen, read, watch or whisper about him. If you hear his name mentioned…cancel, curse or call upon whatever Deity or Deputy you can.

These are dangerous days and Gurnell West is pumping his pious and political prognostications through the PowerLines of communication to any hungry culture consumer daring enough to expose themselves to his rants and writings.

You’ve been warned.”

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