Thursday, June 20, 2024

 My son shared this quote by Spurgeon 7 years ago, it is so good!!!

"I passed by a preacher, one evening, who was addressing certain villagers in the most terrific strains.

He was telling them, "The Lord is coming! The Lord is coming! You will all be destroyed!"

There was plenty of sound,
though I fear not an excess of sense—

and there was a savor of delirious prophecy
which went beyond the Scriptures
into personal visions and figments of the man's own brain!

I wondered what he hoped to do.
The people were standing at their doors, smoking their pipes and taking it in as a curious kind of display.

Perhaps better that he should rage like a sea in a storm than give the people no warning
and yet I do not suppose any good could come of his shouts.

Had he spoken gently to them,
one by one,
concerning faith in God, and had he gone to their doors and spoken of the great love of Jesus Christ—
perhaps there would have been some result.

But one would not look for good fruit from the boisterous shouts of nonsense!

And yet there are many who feel that if a man shouts and perspires, something must be effected." -
Charles Spurgeon

Deuteronomy 32:2
My doctrine shall drop as the rain,
my speech shall distill as the dew,
as the small rain upon the tender herb,
and as the showers upon the grass:

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