Wednesday, January 22, 2025


I have a weekly church service at the county corrections center where I live, and last week there was a young fella about 25 or so, that reminded me of one of my sons. He was an outgoing fella with an approachable face and personality. 

When they come in I shake their hand and introduce myself, then when all have arrived I begin. 

About 15 minutes in, the fella that looked like my son, had to go for some kitchen duties. But about ten minutes later her returned. I said I was glad he was able to come back and he gave me the oddest reason why he came back. 

It wasn't because I was friendly, nor was it that the topic was so riveting, or that I spoke in a way that reached him, no, he told me, 

"The way I shook his hand got to him, and he came back because of that." 

What? A handshake? What did God do in that simple handshake that impacted him? I'll never know, but it goes to show that if we simply show up, prayed up, and prepared, God will do His miraculous work. 

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