The following is about not neglecting our family and those close to us with our zeal for strangers. It's harder at home and with family because they make demands on us that a stranger may not.
"Charity sitteth on a fair hill-top, blessing far and near, but her garments drop ambrosia, chiefly on the violets around her: She gladdeneth indeed the map like scene, stretching to the verge of the horizon.
For her angel face is lustrous and beloved, even as the moon in heaven; but the lights of that beatific vision gloweth in serener concentration, the nearer to her heart, and nearer to her home, that hill-top where she sitteth.
Therefore she is kind unto her kin, yearning in affection on her neighbors, giving gifts to those around who know and loved her well.
But the counterfeit of charity, an hypocrite of earth, not a grace of heaven, seeketh not to bless at home, for her nearer aspect is ill-favored: therefore hideth she for shame, counting that pride humility.
And none of those around her hearth are gladdened by her gifts: Rather, with an overreaching zeal, flingeth she her bounty to the stranger and scattered prodigalities abroad compensate for meanness in her home; For benefits showered on the distant shine in unmixed beauty, so then even she may reap their undiscerning praise:
Therefore native want hath pined, where foreign need was fattened; Woman been crushed by the tyranneus hand that upheld the flag of liberty: Poverty been prisoned up and starved by hearts that are maudlin upon crime; and freeborn babes been manacled by men who liberate the unruly slave."
Martin F. Tupper
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