Ps. 120:2 "Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips..."
I read this little blurb from Edward Reyner, out of the Treasury of David. Such poignant language!
An unbridled tongue is the chariot of the Devil, wherein he rides in triumph. Mr. Greenham doth describe the tongue prettily by contraries, or diversities; "It is a little piece of flesh, small in quantity, but mighty in quality; it is soft, but slippery; it goeth lightly, but falleth heavily; it striketh soft, but woundeth sore; it goeth out quickly, but burneth vehemently; it pierceth deep, and therefore not healed speedily; it hath liberty granted easily to go forth, but it will find no means easily to return home; and once inflamed with Satan's bellows, it is like the fire of hell."
The course of an unruly tongue is to proceed from evil to worse, to begin with foolishness, and go on with bitterness, and to end in mischief and madness. See Eccles. 10:13 The Jew's conference with our Savior began with arguments; "We be Abraham's seed," said they, etc.; but proceeded to blasphemies; "Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?" and ended in cruelty; "Then they took up stones to cast him out." Jn. 8 - 33,48,59
This also is the base disposition of a bad tongue to hate those whom it afflicts. Prov. 26:28
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