I have been considering helping out in Sunday school again so I sat in today to see if there is a way to serve. It has been ten years since I have taught Sunday school and my body feels it.
So I wanted to watch today and after introductions to the class leader I did so and waited to see if the Lord would give me a clear indication. The first half all the children 4th grade and under met together for review of last weeks lesson, a game tied in to the lesson and a video presentation of the new lesson. After that the children were split into graded classes and I chose third grade to continue my observation. There were about eight children and the class leader questioned them on the lesson and with all the third grade enthusiasm displayed, she finished the lesson. Then we went to play a game something like “Red Light Green Light”. One of the girls there, about seven years old named Claire, faced some mental and physical challenges; she couldn’t walk but she could crawl about with great speed and freedom. Her mental ability was about that of a five year old. She was a little over enthusiastic in all she said and did but she began to charm me. When we prepared for the game I decided to sit by her and help her to cross the line when her number was called so she wouldn't be last in each competition. As the game went on I thoroughly enjoyed helping her try and win; and we held our own.
I realized without my help she wouldn't have been able to compete, but with my help she may have even had an edge. At one point during the play she gave me a big hug and whispered, “I love you”. Well, need I say at that point I was all in.
Christ spoke to me through that tender little heart as clearly as if He stood before me and were to nod and approving, “Yes”.
Photo from the Internet
Wow, that brought tears to my eyes. How very special indeed..God is good!
Have a blessed Holy Week Fred!
sounds like a green light. love it.
Hi Fred:)
If the children in the phots were the students, I was thrilled to see each one of them. They are so cheerful, happy,enthusiastic and eager to learn. Wonderful children:)
It was very nice of you to help the handicapped child to win because she needs that motivation to succeed more than any one else. She will have to cross many hurdles in her life and she should feel confident to take every difficult step in her long life.
God must be sitting and enjoying the entire proceeding of your Sunday school. I am sure HE must have said-WELL DONE FRED:)
Wish you and your wonderful family a Happy Easter. May the Risen Christ bless you all abundantly.
Hi Matt and Trudy,
Yes, it did sound like a green light.
Can't wait to begin.
God bless,
Hi Joseph,
Actually the photo was one taken from the internet, these days in our culture taking pictures of children other than your own is frowned upon.
Your comments about the struggles she will face are, sadly, so true. I've heard she has a strong home-life and her parents are very loving.
God bless,
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