I watched the movie “Precious” last night. It is the story of extreme abuse, the world that few live in but a reality for some that most of us cannot even imagine. The story is heart wrenching and defies description. When watching it is hard to imagine such parental madness but a percentage of the men at the center come out of this mad distortion of human behavior. At one point a warm “peace-maker”, pictured below, speaks of the power of love only to be rebuked by the victim quoting the evils that have come to her through those that “love” her. It was a powerful and moving show with acting almost too real and graphic. I found myself yearning throughout much of the movie just to reach out and hold the victim, somehow to rescue her from her world of perversity. I think it is an adult movie that every adult Christian should see; it’s a peek into the sin crazed laboratory where drug abuse, violence, suicide and all manner of evils are birthed and conjured.
In the midst of what seems to be the overcoming power of naked evil, the movie is filled with subtleties where goodness and love begin to take root and feeble attempts to imitate them begin. To watch this movie is to share in "the sufferings of Christ" as He and all of heaven suffer as they watch this dramatic battle of good and evil play out. Watching this white field that desperately needs workers of love to come and rescue. Sadly the workers are few but even the little that is portrayed, and that by flawed servants, takes root.
Matt and Eric, I think you will both see this as a learning movie and come away with insights helpful in the work you do and have done.
Too disturbing for those under 18 in my opinion.

Hi Fred. I also saw this movie and think that you have summarized it quite well here. I would fall into the camp of those that simply cannot fathom or imagine the atrocities of this type of abuse. I agree that it must pain God greatly to watch all of this take place among His sons and daughters.
May God bless you richly and I hope you have a beautiful Easter!
Will do.
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for your comments, and I too fall into the camp of those who simply cannot fathom the madness displayed in the film. Had there not been glimpses of hope I should have despaired.
God bless,
Hi Eric,
It's a tough one but powerful.
Love Dad
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