"When we
willing sin against God, the transgression drives us from before his face, and
we wander in awful solitudes like Cain did. But the banishment is too dreary to
be borne. We are first stopped in our flight to sit down and think upon our
shame; and then we are drawn to steal back, and seek, though doubtfully, our
old neighborhood again; and its dear looks smite us to the heart, till we lift
up our voice and weep aloud, saying 'If perchance the Lord would look upon our
tears'; and at length we hint our prayer no more, but catch his very eye, and
say 'Lord put me to grief, but don't cast me off: not from thine absence but
from thy hand, let me receive thy chastisement: let me be stricken, but bear
with me here: thy darkest frown is better to my soul than the dry light upon
the wilderness of exile.' And with this self-surrender there comes an
unexpected peace, so sad and solemn that surely it is the response of God; and
must be accepted as a token that, truly, "The contrite heart he does not
James Martineau, painting by George Frederick Watts, Eve repentant.
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