Sunday, April 12, 2015

  "The pure and tender eye, which is not arrested or put off by the trouble and broken surface of a soul, but sends its glance behind and within that soul, not only sees the actual love that lives there, but warms and wakes the possible love that was asleep and never stirred before. Our humanity, touched with a divine freedom, has larger and more liberal limits than its critics and its students dream; and nothing so kindles its high spiritual consciousness and transfigures it with light divine, as the appeal of trustful sympathy, and the expectant light of a brother's faith. Could we not treat the guilt and degradation we see in some which deform the world as something unnatural, a spoiling of the idea of God and the possibilities of man, but rather, when we pass the poor deforming exterior, and enter the inner nature, and ever so faintly trace the sleeping lineaments of the divine image, pity despairs no more, and love recovers from its recoil." James Martineau.

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