Wednesday, September 26, 2018

  Remember when Peter saw the vision that was like a big sheet lowered from heaven in Acts 11:6? And on it were four-footed animals of the earth, and wild beasts and crawling creatures and the birds of the air. As I thought about this vision in the context of the passage, I wondered if it would be too much of a stretch to interpret the creatures, which symbolized the non-Jewish nations, and break it down to include those represented as 'four-footed creatures of the earth,' as the people that are trained to be subservient to others who have carnal purposes, 'earthy.' Or possibly it may represent addictions and other controlling influences that make us like a beast of burden? Now to me, the 'wild beasts' represents those whose lives are either out of control or predatory, without moral restraint or those pushing and shoving their way through life leaving behind wounded and bleeding souls who were 'attacked' by them. Then I thought the crawling creatures may well represent the manipulative: the souls that lie in wait to deceive and capture others and infect them with their lies and evil contrivances. And lastly the birds of the air, those who are led by pride, who see others as beneath them or those who abuse power and position? Either way, we know our duty, to bring them the words that lead to repentance and restoration.

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