Friday, May 24, 2019

  I read the following piece by George Matheson on how to party; I don't think I've ever read a piece on the subject.

 "I would not forget myself in wine, in temper, in recklessness, in despair. But I would lose my self in love. I would have Your care written on my forehead  the wish to make others glad. I would shine by another's light. I would have my words winged by the joy of giving joy. I would sacrifice self in the scenes men deem sensuous. I would help my brother's social hour. I would cheer my sister's domestic hearth. I would sink to a level with the child's game. I would move to the music of surmounted pleasures. I would live in the pastimes of inferiors. I would manifest an interest, yes, I would experience an interest in fields of life that have ceased to be gardens for me. I have kept Your religion for deep things. Plant it  also on the surface, O my God! Your name is in my heart; write it on my forehead! (Rev. 22:4)

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