Sunday, June 02, 2019

Christ's call

The call of Christ - Jesus asks, "Will you come with me to the place where the thorns are thickest, to the land where the roses are most rare? Will you follow me down the deep shadows of Gethsemane, up the steep heights of Calvary? Will you go with me where the hungry cry for bread, where the sick implore for health, where the weary weep for rest? Will you accompany me where pain dwells, where danger lurks, where death lies? Will you walk with me through the lanes and alleys where the poor meet and struggle and die? Will you live with me where the world passes by in scorn, where even disciples have often forsaken me and fled? Then is your love complete, my triumph perfected." George Matheson.

My Christian influence for years, was not the above description; it was to study my Bible, worship and praise and keep myself from being stained by the world. Not different from the Pharisaical way of living, good, but one thing I lacked: working, caring and loving the poor. At best but half of Christ's good news.

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