Thursday, June 06, 2019

"The church has lost it's savor."

 "The church as lost it's savor."

  There are currently 60 Christian denominations with about 45,000 churches in the U.S.
The Dept. of Human Services, HUD, estimates there are 40,056 veterans homeless at any given night. 
If each church supported one Veteran: and I mean supporting them completely until they were either able to support themselves or be in a permanent, safe, respectable residence where they were known to all the members and treated as we would have ourselves treated, it would be a step towards restoring Christ's glory in the world. 

If the church then went on to find the most desperately oppressed in our society and, one by one, did the same, we would find favor with God. 

Does your church even consider this? If not, why not?

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