Tuesday, December 08, 2020


  In my fifty plus years as a Christian, I've seen many distractions hinder the true work of Christ. I was saved a year before the book, The Late Great Planet Earth came out, and many flooded the seminars, conventions and sat under teachers and pastors as the End Times Theology dominated much of the church's time, money and resources. Then there was the divide between charismatics and non charismatics; and for years some claimed tongues are the sign of the Holy Spirit while others strenuously opposed. The arguing went on; one side decrying the "social gospel" and the other side fiercely promoting old ways and systematic theology. The 80's brought the church front and center in the political arena with the "Silent Majority" spreading the new gospel. The Calvinist and the Armenian continue their divisions, and today we are examining the sheep to see if there fur reveals any "liberal/progressive" wolves hair! 

All the while poor Lazarus sits at our gate, lost, destitute, addicted, wounds gaping while he hungers for just a few crumbs from our table. 

So brethren, "choose your battles wisely because if you fight them all you'll be too tired to win the really important ones." 

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