Sunday, January 24, 2021

 This is such a beautiful church, and as awe inspiring as it is, worship is directly designed to lead us when we go out to recognize God in our own nature and to see in men His children; to respect ands serve them for their relationship to the Divinity, to see in them signatures of greatness amidst all their imperfections, and to love them with more than earthly love. We must not look round the universe with awe and on man with scorn.

God dwells in every human being more intimately than in the outward creation. The voice of God comes to us in the ocean, the thunder, the whirlwind; but how much more of God is there in his inward voice, in the institutions of reason, in the rebukes of conscience, in the whispers of the Holy Spirit. I would have you see God much more in the clear judgment, the moral energy, the unselfish purpose, the pious gratitude, the immortal hope of a good man, than in all of nature. 

Go from this house to worship God by reverencing the human soul as his chosen sanctuary. Revere it in yourselves, revere it in others, and labor to carry it forward to perfection. Worship God within these walls as universally, impartially good to his human offspring; and go forth to breathe the same spirit. 

Go forth to respect the rights, and seek the true, enduring welfare of all within your influence. Carry with you the conviction that to trample on a human being of whatever color, clime, rank, condition, is to trample on God's child; that to degrade or corrupt a man, is to deface a holier temple than any material sanctuary.  

Mercy, Love and compassion are more acceptable worship to God than all sacrifices or outward offerings. The most celestial worship ever paid on earth was rendered by Christ when he approached man, and the most sinful man, as a child of God; when he toiled and bled to awaken what was Divine in the human soul, to regenerate a fallen world. 

Go forth to do good with every power which God bestows, to make every place you enter happier by your presence, to support all human interests, to throw your whole weight into the sale of human freedom, and improvement, to withstand all wrong, to uphold all right, and especially to give light, life and strength to the immortal soul. 

He who rears up one child in Christian virtue, or recovers one fellow-creature to God, builds a temple more precious than Solomon's or St. Peters, more enduring then earth or heaven."          William Ellery Channing. 

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