Tuesday, March 02, 2021


"But the noble man makes noble plans; and by noble plans he stands." Is. 32:8

We are called by Jesus to walk in His steps. Jesus did heroic deeds, He changed people's lives, He gave hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and entered the world and lives of hurting, lost and oppressed people. 

The Christian life is a noble life where God works in us and through us to do His will and express His hope, charity and love. 

The engaged Christian life is heroic! It is filled with signs and wonders of God's love; we see souls raised from the pit of despair, lifted from the depths of self-hate, raging angers, criminal activity and addictions. Oh it is an exciting life! Do you know it today? 

Are you engaged and active in what God is doing in our world today? 

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