Monday, March 15, 2021

Discern the spirits

Know the spirits

Many are "Church hurt" because they can't discern the spirits of their brothers and sisters. Here are three common types that are in every church. 

Prophetic spirit

We know this spirit in people because their message is fear filled. They preach fire and brimstone, they are zealous to condemn the evil but miss the beautiful. "They never see a good quality in a man, and never fail to see a bad one. He is the human owl, vigilant in darkness and blind to the light, mousing for vermin and never seeing noble game." This is the person that studies the times and the seasons, lives to unravel every prophecy of end times, studies Revelations, but fails his neighbor's need. They see all in black and white. They remind you God hates evil doers and they have a hostile attitude toward the world.  We leave their presence feeling less.

Legalistic spirit

This person lives to study the Bible; they quote it at the end of every sentence, study it like a legal document and use it like a weapon, but, like the Pharisees, they miss the humanity in Christ's teachings and seek to fulfill the letter and miss the spirit. They are overly cautious not to sin but lack courage in actively doing God's will among their fellowman. Holiness is their cry, humanity their neglect. They bind heavy loads on all alike, crushing the bruised reed and quenching the smoldering wick. The narrow way they explain is pinched and rigid. When you leave their presence, you feel defeated.

Blind spirit

This is the spirit that fails to recognize the urgency and desperation of the day. Their sermons get more laughs than amen's; the church meets all the wants of the congregation but none of the desperate needs of the community. Padded pews and basketball hoops, the finest electronics and paid music leaders, but little to help the poor and suffering, at home or abroad. Large congregations but small sacrifices for the destitute. When you leave their presence you feel at ease.

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