Wednesday, October 06, 2021

I'm struggling to read the Bible! 

This is a universal problem, there are times when the Word is on fire and jumps from the page, and other times it lays there as though it's frozen. I think the two most common causes are, sin we refuse to repent of, and hiding your talent in the ground. 

Repentance of a known sin we are struggling with can cause the Holy Spirit to withdraw leaving the Word cold, and secondly,  if we are not using our "talent" by which I mean our 'ability and capacity to love,' we will also find the Word cold. The two together cause a synergy; when we are involved in a ministry where we can express the love God gives us it will create a hunger for the word, and as we read the Holy Spirit will "highlight" the verses applicable to your work of love. And when we are actively, personally involved in loving people our prayer closet will be charged with God's presence and we will have many to pray for. Isaiah 58:6-12 explains that in detail. 

Now, the third thing we should do is to always have a Christian book that inspires us by our side. We should always try and have a book that will get us out of bed an hour early because we are hungry to get back to it. 

The classic Christian literature is packed with scriptures and if you look up all their scripture references, you will find so many hidden and tucked away verses you never knew existed. 

Iron sharpens iron, so let your choice of iron be from the Christian men and women who have helped change the world for Christ. Few voices today come close to matching Newton, Fenelon, Jeremy Taylor, William Law, Hannah Hurnard, Elizabeth Elliot, Hannah Whital Smith, C.S. Lewis and countless other classic Christian works, without which I'm sure I would have died on the vine long ago LOL

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