Saturday, January 01, 2022

"You will easily judge then, what we consider the surest and only decisive signs of true devotion and piety. We lay no stress or emphasis on strong excitements. We esteem him, and him only, a devoted Christian, who practically conforms to God's moral perfections and government; who shows his delight in God's benevolence by loving and serving his neighbor; his delight in God's justice by being resolutely upright; his sense of God's purity by regulating his thoughts, imagination, and desires; and whose conversation, business, and domestic life are swayed by a regard to God's presence and authority. In all things else men my deceive themselves. Disordered nerves may give them strange sights, and sounds and impressions. Texts of Scripture may come to them as from Heaven. Their whole souls may be moved, and their confidence in God's favor be undoubting. But in all this there is no true religion. The question is, do they love God's commands, in which His character is fully expressed, and give up to these their habits and passions? Without this, ecstasy is a mockery. One surrender of desire to God's will is worth a thousand transports. We do not judge of the bent of men's minds by their raptures, any more than we judge the natural direction of a tree in a storm. We rather suspect loud profession, for we have observed that deep feeling is generally noiseless, and least seeks display." Coming from a strong Charismatic background, this quote really struck me, convicted me and hit home. My conversion and subsequent experiences, were very dramatic and at times mystical, but I believe this quote adds needed balance.

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