Friday, March 25, 2022


   One of the sisters shared this moving piece; she walks the walk, and speaks what I think is the closest thing to the mind of Christ about unwanted pregnancies I've ever read. 

  "With all the posts on abortion & pro-life, someone asked me my thoughts....I have been pro-life since the age of 10 when I watched a film on the abortion industry. I spent 20+ yrs working in a pro-life pregnancy center counseling with women. Here are my thoughts..... I was that 17 yr old who found herself pregnant & terrified, not knowing what to do. I prayed for forgiveness & guidance. The decision was taken from me when at 3 1/2 months my body rejected the pregnancy & I sat on my bed holding my perfectly formed baby asking God "why?"... I have counseled a young mother of 2 trying figure out how she will support yet another mouth to feed.... I have been on the other end of the phone when a woman is screaming "Oh God! Oh God! what have I done" when she had taken the abortion pill & was told that she would just have a heavy period, only to see the product of her abortion in the toilet....I have been in the delivery room with a young mother all alone & deserted by her family because she chose life & seen the tears of pure joy as her baby is placed on her chest for the first time...I have spoken with a young woman intent on having an abortion & have her walk out , only to feel extreme happiness when years later she introduces me to her son...I have sat with a 60 yr old woman who with the birth of her grandchild begins to grieve the baby she aborted in college...I have stood in the hospital with two precious young women as they hand me their child with tears in their eyes and a breaking heart & tell me "you are my child's Mother"...I know the pain of never holding my first grandchild... I have gone to the hospital & brought home a small 3 lb baby, the nurses telling me she wont live,  watching her body twist & convulse as she is going through drug withdrawals. Having people say"why didn't they just let her die, it would have been merciful!" to seeing her play basketball &  be on the Homecoming court! 

I have taken a beautiful baby into my home and cared for him 24/7 only to bury him months later, everyone saying it would have been better if his mother had aborted him! His life as well as all lives have meaning & a purpose. He taught me and my children compassion & unconditional love. I Hear people saying "there"s a special place in Hell for these women who choose abortion". Oh, how I pray not!!! No matter how a woman talks about abortion or praises the fact that she has a choice, when she is alone and quiet, she grieves....Yes, I hate all abortion, but I cannot hate the women who have made this choice. I cannot judge them, My Father forgives them.... I pray that God will bless them & give them peace in their hearts with the knowledge that even though they made a decision to end a pregnancy, they are forgiven & their children are in Heaven with our beloved Father! If you must hate & protest..Change the laws that allow this, vote out the people who support it!   Scream at the top of your lungs "This is wrong & we will no longer accept it"! And then, STEP UP!  Help a struggling family  with many mouths to feed, Give a young mother a hug & thank her for choosing life, Adopt, offer to help co-parent with a single mom ,JUST REACH OUT!!!! But don't hate the women who suffer, show them love & compassion, keep them covered  in prayer!"

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