Monday, March 20, 2023

 This is Eustace from Mountain Men giving some no nonsense advice. 

What do I do for a living?

I live for a living. 

When I moved out in the forest 35 years ago, people said “You can’t escape reality.” I went TO reality. You’re living in a virtual reality. 

You don’t even know where your stuff comes from, don’t even know where your poop goes.I live in nature where everything is connected, circular. The seasons are circular. The planet is circular…Do people live in circles today? No. They live in boxes.

They wake up every morning in a box of their bedrooms because a box next to them started making beeping noises to tell them it was time to get up. They eat their breakfast out of a box and then they throw that box away into another box.

Then they leave the box where they live and get into another box with wheels and drive to work, which is just another big box broken into little cubicle boxes where a bunch of people spend their days sitting and staring at the computer boxes in front of them.

When the day is over, everyone gets into the box with wheels again and goes home to the house boxes and spends the evening staring at the television boxes for entertainment.

They get their music from a box, they get their food from a box, they keep their clothing in a box, they live their lives in a box.”-Eustace Conway from Mountain Men.

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