Friday, November 03, 2023


"Had someone charge me again with "creating a God in my own image" by my insistence that God is like Jesus, a God who loves his enemies and is non-violent. A God who has the fruit of the Spirit. 

Since when is loving enemies and non-violence in humanity’s own image? (Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was just naturally a follower of Jesus.)

Retribution is in our own image. Wrath and violence is in our own image. 

A non-violent God is a God whose ways are higher than humans violent ways, and therefore a God who sets the example to call us to the same. 

If you want a God in your own image, a non-violent God is not the way to go. Humans are violent, Jesus is not. Jesus loves his enemies. Jesus has a justice that restores, not just vindictively injures and destroys. 

I am actually arguing against the god of our own image. I am arguing for a God whose ways are higher than humans.

I am arguing for a God who challenges our dark ways of dehumanization and violence, not participates in them, and whose example calls us to be peacemakers and lovers of enemies. 

A God who is like Jesus.

Jacob M. Wright. 

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