but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1
I remember reading in "The road less travelled" how we are born helpless and without crying and fits we will not be able to communicate. As we mature we leave these methods behind. Or some do. This woman looks back on a life of self induced torment. With her own hands she sought to always have her way and in the end she realizes with her own hands she tore down; and now she sits alone with her two friends, 'wish I had' and 'could have been'.
I could relate to that picture. If I didn't have God to release my fears and insecurities to, I could easily be a control freak.
Fred, I still love comming and reading your blogs all the time. I hope all is well with you and that your happy :) Mary
Thanks Mary,
It is not a real happy season now, "but though I am hard pressed on every side I'm not crushed; struck down but not destroyed."
Love Fred
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