I was in my office yesterday morning typing out a quote to share with some of the guys at our daily meeting before work when there was a knock at my door and in came Soto with a brother new to the program. He had been praying with him upstairs because the new fellow was feeling discouraged, then he said, let me take you down to Fred and see if he has a word for you.” So as he entered and asked me I said, “Well imagine that, I’m just typing out that very word”.
Here’s that quote --
“God hath given his laws to rule us, his word to instruct us, his spirit to guide us, his angels to protect us, his ministers to exhort us. His mercies make our weak efforts instrumental to great purposes, as a small herb the remedy of the greatest diseases. He impedes the devil’s rage and although he allows him to walk in solitary places, and yet fetters him that he cannot disturb the sleep of a child; He hath given him mighty power, and yet a young maiden that resists him shall make him flee away; he hath given him a vast knowledge, and yet an ignorant man can confute him with the twelve articles of his creed; He gave him power over the winds, and made him prince of the air, and yet the breath of a holy prayer can drive him as far as the utmost sea….”
Jeremy Taylor, photo from the Internet
Good stuff Dad.
You should probably add the word scramble spam protection thing to reduce the spam on your comment section. let me know if you need help.
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
Hi Matt,
Glad you like it, this quote really blessed me. I will add the spam scramble thing if they persist. I've made it a long time without trouble so we'll see.
Love Dad
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your kind comments.
God bless,
Hi Fred:)
Very wonderful and instructive and thought provoking words. This is absolutely true.
Have a nice day Fred:)
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