What a strange power there is in silence!
Says the Greek proverb, "speech is silver,
silence is gold."
It is a remarkable and very instructive fact that many
of the most important operations of nature are carried on in unbroken silence.
There is no rushing sound when the broad tide of sunlight breaks on a dark
world and floods it with glory, as one bright wave after another falls from the
mountain. The great trees bring forth their boughs and shelter the earth
beneath them -- the plants cover themselves with buds, and the buds burst into
flowers, but the whole transformation is unheard. The mightiest worker in the
universe is the most unobtrusive. The grandest operations, both in nature and in
grace, are the most silent and imperceptible. Not the least impressive scenes
of Christ, before his enemies were those when he answered them not a word. The heaviest
grief is borne in silence; the deepest love flows through the eye and touch; the
purest joy is unspeakable, the most impressive prayer is silent prayer; and the
most solemn preacher at a funeral is the silent one, whose lips are cold.
It is a great art in the Christian life to be
silent. It is often easier to do than to suffer the will of God.
The voice of
wisdom cries, "Be still, and know that I am God."
Arthur Benson.
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