Wednesday, February 27, 2019

 George Matheson defines what he considers "witnessing" or Soul-winning" with a broad and encompassing description. Few measure up but as we grow to understand the mind of Christ we edge closer.    

  "Kingdom expansion is something that engages "enterprise" and the anxious responsibilities that come with it; the study to learn how to lift the downcast, the seeking out it takes to find those in need: locomotion, movement, rising up and acting, trusting with the willingness to be betrayed; investigating, as the Bible states, 'considering the poor' and how to bring remedy without enabling, which requires deliberation, judgment, discernment. Not simply becoming a, 'hand but not heart', dispensary of charity."

I remember a great quote by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 

 "There are soul-artists, who go through this world, looking among their fellows with reverence, as one looks among the dust and rubbish of old shops for hidden works of Titian and Leonardo da Vinci, and finding them, however cracked and torn and painted over with tawdry daubes of pretenders, immediately recognize the divine original, and set themselves to cleanse and restore. Such are God’s real priests, whose ordination and anointing are from the Holy Spirit; and he who has not this enthusiasm is not ordained of God, though whole synods of bishops laid hands on him.”

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