Monday, February 11, 2019

  "Some times we wonder if we have used every remedy for our bodily sicknesses. But is there any remedy for the body like love? We call it a spiritual thing; no doubt it is, but its power is over the physical. Tell me that someone loves me, and you have given me a new draft of life - water of life, as our Lord calls it. How many an early victim would have been kept alive by a deeper draft of love! How many a withered rose would have bloomed; how many a drooping flower would have revived! A little word by the wayside, the pressure of a hand, the ring of a voice, the glance of an eye, the beat of a responsive heart, would have sweetened the waters of Mara and revealed the promise land. Have you an alabaster box? Break it, oh my soul. Hide it not. Give it to the weary limbs; shed it on the throbbing brow; shower it on the fainting heart." Matheson.


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