Friday, September 13, 2019

The following poem was quoted by a Psychologist's patient who wrote it for her mother on Mother's Day. 

"You never tucked me in at night or sang a special song,
You never kissed my boo boos or told me I belong.
You never sat down on my bed to help me get to sleep
or came and dried my tears when you would see me weep.
You never held me close so I could feel your heartbeat next to mine,
Or ran your hand across my face memorizing my design.
You never took the time to read a bed-time story so I could dream
of a far off place and land where the good was as it seemed.

You never cared that I couldn’t eat the food upon my  plate
or that I could hardly swallow from the throat sores that would not abate.
You never shielded me from ugly, in fact, you are the one that I struggle with the most and fear that I will become;
The little girl that you gave life, who never left you side,
You took her and you ruined her and did nothing while she died.

I remember now, though I would rather forget
How you twisted things and kept me in fear,
How you never put me first
And I remember ugly things you said that no one else should ever hear.

It's taken all these years to put together what you did
To try and understand the things but I can assure you you've nothing to really fear, because I will never tell,
The words you used and you abused and caused my life to feel like hell.

Where do I start? How do I say Happy Mother's day, to the one who used me for herself, in such cruel and disgusting ways?

Happy Mother's day to you mother, the monster that you are,
The one who never saw me and made my life bizarre."

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