Friday, September 13, 2019

  Oh the drama of life! How little we know of the struggles people endure! Behind closed doors where threats and oppressions thwart the very lives of some. The courage and tenacity it takes for them to hang on to a frayed thread! To continue in the face of interminable assaults to your very sense of being!
Oh Jesus, you take us to these battles of woe, in these hidden places of the soul sufferers. Daring to draw back the curtain where abuses immeasurable strike and slay what once were vibrant and hopeful spirits. We are led into the deepest sorrows, the darkest corners of human misery, and with our mustard seed faith, hope to bring a draught of healing, some degree of remedy where whelming storms of desperation flood. Oh what a heart rending venture to enter the souls of the downcast with His yearning to bring hope and aid, where despair and anguish have claimed days, years!
But we press in, armed and hopeful with the compelling love of Christ: we venture where hope's been abandoned, life no longer holds meaning or promise: dreams abandoned, life drained of its life blood.
Lord, you have taught us it is good to be in the house of the mourning, it is there we commune most closely with your healing Spirit and witness your resurrection power displayed today.

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