Friday, December 20, 2019

Paul tells us to "examine ourselves to see that we're in the faith." How can I know if I'm part of the vibrant church or just "Old Wine"?  Here are questions I pose to myself - How long has it been since someone fell into my chest with shoulders heaving and eyes wringing wet with either repentance or appreciation?
How long has it been since I sat at the bedside, or curbside, with my arm around a troubled soul and have them confide in me the secrets of their heart? How long has it been since I mentored anyone? 
Do I see the repugnant with eyes of compassion and long to personally touch their life with Christ's love pulsing within me? Is my prayer closet a place of joy and tears for poor souls I'm trying to help, or is it cold and centered around myself?
Does my interest and compassion for women excel the fleeting whims of sensual desire? Do people sense my love for them and open their hearts to me? Or am I seen as unapproachable, stern and emotionally unavailable? In short, am I being changed into the likeness of Christ and am I doing and saying what He did? Or at least trying.....

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